Publications and lectures
1. Strakrle V., König J.: The Occurrence of Hepatitis G Virus in Patients with the Suspicion of Diagnosis Hepatitis. Hepatitis Information Network Canada, January 19, 1999
2. König J., Čermák J., Ročková R., Strakrle V., Šurel S. et al.: Actual epidemiological data about HGV infection in Czech Republic. XVI. Pecenka´s epidemiological days, Benesov, 25.10.-27.10.1999,lecture
3. König J., Čermák J., Švejda J., Ročková R., Strakrle V., Kracíková J.: Frequency of Specific Markers of Viral Hepatitis G in Patients and Blood Donors in the Czech Republic. Viraemia Index and Risk Factors. 3rd Annual Meeting of ESCV (European Society for Clinical Virology) Budapest, 1-5 September, 1999, abstract - lecture
4. Strakrle V.: Infectious Diseases Statistics in Czech Republic: 1998. May 4, 1999 ProMEDmail-USA, Official Program of ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases), Boston, USA
5. Strakrle V., Plchút M.: World Wide Web Resources in Travel Medicine, Presentation of Dr.Strakrle web site, 6th Conference of International Society of Travel Medicine, June 6-10 1999, Montreal Canada
6.Strakrle V., König J.: Hepatitis G in the Czech Republic – original papers. Infectious Disease Review 1999, Vol.1, No.2, United Kingdom
7. Strakrle V., König J., Buček J., Pokorný A.: The first experiences with occurrence HGV infection at patients hospitalized in our department. XXIX. Spring Hepatology Days, 27.4.-29.4.1999, Karlovy Vary, lecture
8. Strakrle V., Buček J., König J., Pokorný A. : The Occurrence of Hepatitis G Virus, Clinical and Histo-pathological Findings, Therapy, in Patients with the Suspicion of Diagnosis Hepatitis.
a)Hepatitis Information Network Canada, March 7, 2000
b) 9th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Buenos Aires-Argentina, April 10-13, 2000, Poster presentations No. 22.005
c)7th Western Pacific Congress of Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases, Hong Kong, December 11-14, 2000, Poster presentations No. P 2.47
d) Health Sciences in the Caribbean in the New Millennium, Mt.Hope-Trinidad and Tobago, January 10-13, 2001, Poster presentations
9. König J., Summerová M., Kašlíková J.,....Strakrle V. et al.: Dynamics of Specific Markers of GBV-C/HGV Infection. Journal of Clinical Virology, September 12, 2000, Vol.18, No.1-3: 215-216,abstracts
10. Strakrle V., König J., Pokorný A., Buček J.: Treatment of Acute Viral Hepatitis C by Interferon Alpha.
a)Hepatitis Information Network Canada, January 3, 2000
b)World Travel Medicine Conference, Taipei-Taiwan, June 23-26, 2000, Poster presentation P-12
c)7th Western Pacific Congress of Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases, Hong Kong,December 11-14, 2000, Poster presentation P 3.26
d) Health Sciences in the Caribbean in the New Millennium, Mt.Hope-Trinidad and Tobago, January 10-13, 2001, Poster presentation
11. Strakrle V., König J., Buček J., Pokorný A., Štroblová H.: Our experiences with acute viral hepatitis C infection treatment by interferon alpha (IFN-a) monotherapy. XXX. Spring Hepatology Days, 17.5.-19.5.2000, Karlovy Vary, lecture
12. König J., Summerová M., Ročková R., Strakrle V. et al.: The risk of parenteral transmission and dynamics of HGV/GBV-C infection markers. XXX. Spring Hepatology Days, 17.5.-19.5.2000, Karlovy Vary, lecture
13. Strakrle V., König J., Buček J., Pokorný A., Jelínková D., Štroblová H.: Our experiences with acute infection hepatitis C virus treatment by interferon alpha (IFN-a) monotherapy. National Infectious Diseases Congress 12.9.-15.9.2000, Černý důl-Krkonoše, poster No.2
14. König J., Summerová M., Kašlíková J., Švejda J., Strakrle V. et al.: New virus GBV-C/HGV one of the possible causal agents of hepatitis with on obscure etiology. Journal of Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology 2001, Vol.50, No.3: 103-110
- in this article is citation „in Literature“ below No.40 and No.41 - No. 1 and No.8 from these realizations
- No.14 is cited below No.18 in article – Kristian P., Schréter I.: Hepatitis G, TTV a SEN viruses - new hepatotropic viruses? Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2002, 4:152-159
- No.14 is cited below No.26 in article – L.Rožnovský: The vertical transmission of hepatitis B,C, G viruses. JCMID 2003, 2: 74-82
15. Author, organizer and chairman of the 1st international conference – The Exploitation of Information Technologies in Health Services in The New Millenium (EITHS 2001) – aplication in infectious diseases, gastroenterology and hepatology, April 20, 2001, Brno, Czech Republic
Foreign citations about conference:
a)Steven R. Bingham: From My Computer to the Czech Republic. The Newsletter of the Hepatitis B Foundation 2001, No. 31: 13, USA
b)Jau-Shin Wu: Medical Information on Web sites in Taiwan, May 11, 2001, Taiwan
16. Strakrle V., Plchút M.: The Website on Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine in Czech Republic. The 8th World Congress of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, 28 October-1 November 2001, Sydney, Australia, lecture
17. Strakrle V., König J., Buček J., Štroblová H.: Inductive Phase of Treatment by Interferon Alpha-2b Alone and Interferon Alpha-2b with Ribavirin Combination Therapy as the Initial Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis C at Naive Patients – a Comparison.
a)The 10th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, March 11-14 2002, Singapore, Poster presentation No. 68 001.
b)23rd International Congress of Chemotherapy, June 7-9 2003, Durban, South Africa, Poster presentation No. SA 186
Citations below No.44,45 and 46 – No.1,8 and 10 from these realizations.
18. Strakrle V., König J., Buček J., Jelínková D., Štroblová H.: The comparison of treatment effect by inductive phase of interferon alpha–2b monotherapy with combination interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin therapy at naive patients with chronic hepatitis C. XXXI. Spring Hepatology Days, 15.-17.května 2002, Karlovy Vary, poster No.2.
19. Husa P., Krtek V., Švejda J., Stránský J.,…Strakrle V. et al.: The combination therapy by IFN alpha-2b and ribavirin at patients with chronic hepatitis C – results of the Czech multicentric study. XXXI. Spring Hepatology Days, 15.-17.května 2002, Karlovy Vary, lecture
20. Strakrle V., Plchút M.: The Website on Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine in Czech Republic. 4th Asia Pacific Travel Health Conference, October 21-23, 2002 Shanghai, China, lecture
21. Strakrle V.: Viral hepatitis, information for patients. Academic publisher CERM Brno 2003, ISBN 80-7204-276-9, coverdesign M.Plchút
Citations below No.16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26 – No.1, 8, 10, 9, No.16 and 20, No.14, 17 from these realizations.
22.Strakrle V., Konig J., Stroblova H.: The medical treatment by inductive phase of interferon alpha compared with interferon alpha higher dose 3 TIW in acute hepatitis C viral infection.
a)11th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, March 4-7, 2004 Cancun, Mexico, Final Program - poster presentation 42.002
b)International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.8, Suppl.1: 152, March 2004, abstracts
c)9th Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases, Bangkok Thailand, December 1-5, 2004, Poster presentation FP-F-07
d)9th Conference of International Society of Travel Medicine, Lisbon Portugal, May 1-5, 2005, Poster presentation ID PO 06.47
23.Strakrle V.: Travel Health Guide – for Czech travellers. Academic publisher CERM Brno 2003, ISBN, coverdesign M.Plchút
Citations below No.9, No.10, No.11 – No. 5, No.16 and 20, No.21 from these realizations.
24. Strakrle V.: Brucellosis, human – Czech Republic ex Turkey. October 17, 25; 2005, ProMEDmail-USA, Official Program of ISID (International Society for Infectious Diseases), Sponsored in part by Elsevier, publisher of Tropical Infectious Diseases, 2nd edition and publisher of Antiviral Research.
25. Strakrle V., König J., Stroblova H.: Inductive phase of treatment by interferon a-2a alone and pegylated interferon a-2a with ribavirin combination therapy as the initial treatment for chronic hepatitis C at naive patiens.
a)12th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, June 15-18, 2006 Lisbon, Portugal, Final Program - poster presentation 68.005
b)International Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol.10, Suppl.1: 320, June 2006, abstracts
c)10th Western Pacific Congress on Chemotherapy and Infectious Diseases, Fukuoka Japan, December 1-5, 2006, Poster presentation
d)10thConference of the International Society of Travel Medicine, Vancouver, Canada, May 20-24, 2007, Program of abstracts PO 07.13
1. CDC-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one of the most important activity of this institution is provide actual and global information regarding infectious diseases including vaccination requirements and all recommendations for travellers. You can find on this website all in Traveler´s Health Section of The Division of Quarantine, National Center for Infectious Diseases.
2. ProMED-mail, worldwide electronic system of infectious diseases reports and official program of International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID Boston, USA), program for emerging infectious diseases.
3. ISID-International Society for Infectious Diseases, associates specialists in infectious diseases branch from more than 100 countries, provides actual informations about the newest findings and possibilities in this branch, epidemiology of infectious diseases, their clinical valuation, diagnosis, therapy and their control.
4. ISTM-International Society of Travel Medicine, enlists in support of safe travel and health prevention. This organization defends its activities and helps in education branch, services and investigative activities in travel medicine branch in cooperation with international travel medicine operators and providers (also our department), academical centres and news media.
5. ISCH-International Society of Chemotherapy, its aim is retrieval of scientific activity in chemotherapy and infectious diseases branches wide clinical practice and availability of chemotherapeutics for all the world.